Learning to spell is tough! So is typing. Lets face it- if you’re on social media, some posts are extremely hard to read when the words are misspelled.
When your kids are in those early years of learning to read and write, its an ideal time to introduce them to typing and spell check. Kidsemail can help with that! Not only is your child in a safe environment to learn such skills, but they can communicate with you and their loved ones.
Some fun ideas include-
1. Having your child type out the alphabet and time them. See how their time improves over several tries.
2. Have then type out a small letter to a loved one. When they are done go through and correct any misspelled words with them.
3. Show your child how to correct a misspelled word.
4. Give your child small spelling tests via email. Let them communicate through their email account.
5. Try to encourage them to use new and harder words in their emails.
Learning how to type and spell through Kidsemail is a great way to strengthen these skills!
Kidsemail is a safe email service for kids. Come try your first month for free.